MVVM is like any other architectural design pattern. While a design
pattern is supposed to be platform agnostic, MVVM is almost always discussed in
WPF/Silverlight parlance. For a WPF beginner this turns out to be double whammy. He
struggles to differentiate between WPF fluff and design pattern details. It is
ironic that a pattern supposedly for separation of concerns is itself almost
always described very tightly coupled with WPF.
Through this article I will try to explain basics of MVVM in
a non WPF way. And for the purpose of explaining basics I will chose what else but the age old Basic aka Visual Basic 6, for the very reason that it has
least language fluff.

View and Model doesn’t need any introduction so we will
concentrate on VM the ViewModel. Responsibility of ViewModel is to make sure that
there is no direct communication between View and the Model. ViewModel takes
the responsibility to manage data so that it is ready for direct consumption
of the View. For example if View needs “Phone”, ViewModel makes sure it has a
property “Phone” which provides the phone number data in the format View
Loose coupling: reduces the risk that a change made within one element will create unanticipated changes within others.
Data Binding: leverages data binding infrastructure to the maximum by simplifying UI to code mappings.
Designer - developer symbiosis: Work with mocks while designer is doing his job without worrying much about breaking your code.
Reusability: reuse your ViewModels between web, desktop or mobile platforms.
Avoid spaghetti code: even an inexperienced developer will be forced to give a thought where to place his code.
View-logic testing: If you keep your data binding simple, by unit testing ViewModels you are as close to direct UI testing as possible.
With explaining out of way, let’s start to implement this
pattern using VB6. Our model will look something like this:
The beauty of WPF is that it provides free and sophisticated wiring up mechanism to bind ViewModel to the View. You just need to set your ViewModel as DataContext to the view, define some bindings in XAML and you are ready to go.
Let's do this with our age old VB6 to remove some of mystery from the binding magic. Here is the code behind for our VB6 form. Its not much different than what you will see in a WPF project.
With this line of code we are binding our DataContext(OrdersViewModel) and the View(Me). Difference is with WPF data binding is free but here we have to implement DoDataBinding method. VB6 has enough ammunition to make this possible. Here's simple one way binding mechanism. I have only catered for text boxes but nothing stops us from making it work with other controls.
For this to work you have to set the tag property for each control to the binding path (name of the property in this case). This custom binding mechanism can be easily extended to cater for other bells and whistles that WPF provide like two-way binding and other variations or even INotifyPropertyChange.
'Customer Model Class
Public CustomerID As Long
Public CustomerName As
'Product Model Class
Public ProductID As Long
Public ProductName As
'Order Model Class
Public OrderID As Long
Public ProductID As Long
Public CustomerID As Long
Public UnitsSold As Long
Public SalePrice As Double
'Orders Model Class
Public orders As New Collection
Private Sub
Dim order As New OrderData
order.OrderID = 1
order.CustomerID = 1
order.ProductID = 1
order.SalePrice = 10.5
order.UnitsSold = 10000
End Sub
Now we will populate the following view with the model data.
For the purpose we introduce ViewModel. Its responsibility is to serve the View. Following single responsibility principal, this is its sole responsibility. You can see below how ViewModel accesses data from different model classes and makes sure all the data for our view is at one place.
'ViewModel Class
Dim ordersData As New ordersData
Dim orderToShow As
Private Sub
orderToShow = ordersData.orders(1)
End Sub
Public Property Get
ProductName() As String
ProductName =
End Property
Public Property Get
CustomerName() As String
CustomerName = Customerdata.CustomerName(orderToShow.CustomerID)
End Property
Public Property Get
UnitsSold() As Long
UnitsSold = orderToShow.UnitsSold
End Property
Public Property Get
SalePrice() As Double
SalePrice = orderToShow.SalePrice
End Property
The beauty of WPF is that it provides free and sophisticated wiring up mechanism to bind ViewModel to the View. You just need to set your ViewModel as DataContext to the view, define some bindings in XAML and you are ready to go.
Let's do this with our age old VB6 to remove some of mystery from the binding magic. Here is the code behind for our VB6 form. Its not much different than what you will see in a WPF project.
Private Sub
DataBinder.DoDataBinding(New OrdersViewModel,
End Sub
Public Sub
DoDataBinding(ByVal dataContext As Object, ByVal view As Object)
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In view.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
ctrl.Text = CallByName(dataContext, ctrl.Tag, VbGet)
End If
End Sub
For this to work you have to set the tag property for each control to the binding path (name of the property in this case). This custom binding mechanism can be easily extended to cater for other bells and whistles that WPF provide like two-way binding and other variations or even INotifyPropertyChange.
MVVM is not specific to XAML platforms only. If we can devise a good generic binding mechanism and provide observer pattern support for updating data changes, any language platform can support MVVM. I even have a small Excel project where I used MVVM. For the purpose I used Excel cell comments as binding handle.
I think particularly the legacy products which can't migrate to latest technology can do themselves favor by adopting MVVM pattern if they see WPF/Silverlight migration path as a future possibility.
Hi, nice explanation! But I dont understand, how you implement ProductData/Customerdata?